Aurora 3-1 Primer, Paint, & Sealer
50ml Bottle
- This awesome 3in1 primer, paint and sealer is brought to you by Wilson & Brown supplies.
- Our paint is made with a richly pigmented, thick formula – no need for undercoat
- Can be used on bare or previously painted wood, brick, stone, plaster, metal and plastic
- Quick Drying and ultra low VOC’s, non toxic & environmentally safe
- Self Levelling with a beautiful smooth finish
- Contains UV Stabilizers to Protect Colors From Fading
- Can be mixed together to create your own colors
All surfaces should be scuff sanded and thoroughly cleaned, from any grease or wax, before application.
Stir the pot, or shake the bottle thoroughly before use. Apply at room temperature, using long even brush stokes with very light, even pressure.
Allow 30 minutes between each coat, allowing to dry thoroughly. Recoat after 30 minutes. Once happy with coverage leave to sit for 2 hours before moving on with your next step.
CURE TIME: Allow 12 hours for full cure.
COVERAGE: Approximately 12m2 per liter.
CLEANING: Clean all equipment with warm water. Do not empty into drains or water courses